Sports injuries and automotive collisions can sometimes impact the mouth with such force that it causes severe dental trauma. Some of these cases are so severe that a dentist like Dr. Aaron Bushong simply cannot save the affected teeth with a root canal or crown.
In a case this severe, the dentist might need to perform an emergency extraction to remove the tooth. This will help to alleviate the pain and prevent further complications. After the gums have fully healed, Dr. Bushong can help you understand your options for restoring or replacing your missing teeth. If you are averse to the oral surgery required for a dental implant or an implant-supported bridge, Dr. Bushong and his team might recommend a partial denture. A partial denture is a removable dental appliance that will be designed to effectively mimic the appearance and function of your missing teeth. It will be firmly set into a pink base that is designed to match the natural shape and appearance of your gum tissue. The partial denture might also include hardware to lock it in place with the adjacent teeth.
If you live in the Wausau, Wisconsin, area and have just suffered a severe dental trauma, you should not delay in calling 715-842-3933 to seek treatment at Wausau Smiles.

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